Question: Girls

“Why do heffas think it’s ok to plan an all girls trip, but yet they feel like they can bring their lovers, wives, gf’s, etc because they are the same sex? I think that’s some B.S.  Nothing specific recently, but I think some of my friends were talking about either going on or have been on a girl’s trip, but they’re partners were included. I always wanted to ask how that works, but didn’t want to argue or hurt anybody’s feelings. In the back of my mind I’m like how can you heauxs go on or plan a fucking girl’s trip and your fuck buddy gets to come because she has a coochie. Fuck that. If you can get some on this trip I want some too. Where is my husband, shit? I ain’t friends with your GF!”

First of all LMAO

This scenario seems unique to me, to say the least.  IMO a girls trip is a girls trip. To me, it means a group of friends, who happen to be women go on a trip together to have fun.  Perhaps some of your friends have an alternative opinion.

  1. Define “girls trip”.
  2. Let them know where you stand.
  3. Tell them to stop trying to be slick and plan a “couples” vacation if that is what they are looking for.


Whenever I see couples infringing on the free time of a group of friends, I immediately think that there is a problem in the relationship.

  • Trust issues
  • Insecurity
  • Infidelity
  • Narcissism

Feel free to pick one of the above.  I could be wrong about their motivation, but that is really irrelevant.  Either they can commit to friend time, or the can stay at home.  Its really that simple.  Have the talk and let me know how it turns out.


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